The Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) continuing medical education (CME) program provides education that addresses the identified professional practice gaps of CNS members to inform and enhance neurosurgical practice and patient care. The CME Program reinforces and expands neurosurgeons’ skillsets and supports members to stay current in the field by providing practice updates and reviewing scientific advances to improve clinical care.
The membership of CNS primarily includes practicing and resident neurosurgeons and related and referring specialties. In addition, other health professionals that are part of the neurosurgical team, including nurses, physician extenders, research scientists may partake of CME from the CNS.
Topics of education include clinical areas — such as Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, Cerebrovascular Surgery, Pediatric Neurosurgery, Pain and Functional Neurosurgery, Stereotactic and Functional Surgery, Neurotrauma and Critical Care, Neural Axis Tumors, Technology and Innovation; and non-clinical areas — such as Practice Management, Coding, Socioeconomic Issues relating to the health of the population, Medical ethics, Diversity, Cultural Issues, Leadership, and Health Informatics.
The Expected Results of the CME program are to:
- Enhanced health and improved lives through the advancement of neurosurgical education and scientific exchange.
- Improvement of learner knowledge, competence, and performance in the field of neurological surgery.
- Offering of educational activities that are free of commercial bias.
- The CME activities offered by CNS will contribute to lifelong learning.